Restoration Ministry
What Is Restoration
We all need help from time to time. It's part of the human condition. Sometimes we all find our selves in situations that we desperately need to escape or conquer. It really doesn't matter if those situations were caused by our own choices, the choices of others, or just life. The solution is always the same: Jesus, and the delivery system is many times the Church: The Body of Christ. Our prayer is that one of the ministries listed below is just what you are searching for.
Emotional Health Ministry of the POA
The Pentecostals of Alexandria are excited to provide POA Emotional Health Ministry. The POA Emotional Health Ministry is dedicated to the process of helping individuals reach spiritual and emotional wholeness. We believe that a strong relationship with God and healthy relationships with others cannot be achieved without spiritual and emotional maturity. EHM sponsors support groups that are designed to help you along your journey to emotional healing.

H.O.P.E. Ministry
(Helping Our Prodigals Eternally & Helping Overwhelmed Parents Endure)
Emotional Health Ministry of the POA
H. O. P. E. Ministry was born from compassion for hurting parents and other family members of prodigals.

SEVEN Ministry
SEVEN is a unique and independent ministry sponsored in part by The Pentecostals of Alexandria, offering help and hope to those whose lives have been touched by addiction, as well as support for their family members and friends. For over twelve years, this unique program has been reaching for those in the Central Louisiana community who are in the throes of addiction, who are in recovery, and to their friends/family members offering acceptance, relief from pain, and deliverance from the chains of addiction that can only come through Jesus Christ.

House of Mercy
The House of Mercy facilitates healing for hurting women in need of protection and shelter. Reaching out to the homeless women of the community, House of Mercy provides temporary housing and an opportunity to overcome hardships.
The House of Mercy can accommodate six ladies at a time.
When ladies arrive at the House of Mercy, they attend an orientation, which includes a presentation of the following: the plan of salvation, an introduction to God's principles, the goal to become an overcomer and to live a life of love, peace, joy, and righteousness, guidelines that must be followed while in residence, the House of Mercy's handbook
Staff members of the House of Mercy are responsible for scheduling chores, such as cooking and cleaning. They also schedule mandatory events, such as Bible studies, prayer meetings, and attendance at church services.
In an effort to provide financial assistance, the staff helps residents obtain employment and encourages financial responsibility to prepare for the future.
Following the example set by Jesus, the House of Mercy is designed to provide a covering for the hurting. In meeting the needs of residents, the House of Mercy staff administrates, leads, and disciplines with love, compassion, forgiveness, grace, long-suffering, patience, sympathy, and tolerance.
Anchor provides solid, everyday practical teaching for attendees. Anchor holds weekly classes using Bible-based programs. Classes are held on the POA's campus and are available to residents of the Grace House and House of Mercy.
Question about the House of Mercy? - Contact the church office at 318.487.8976.
The House of Mercy can accommodate six ladies at a time.
When ladies arrive at the House of Mercy, they attend an orientation, which includes a presentation of the following: the plan of salvation, an introduction to God's principles, the goal to become an overcomer and to live a life of love, peace, joy, and righteousness, guidelines that must be followed while in residence, the House of Mercy's handbook
Staff members of the House of Mercy are responsible for scheduling chores, such as cooking and cleaning. They also schedule mandatory events, such as Bible studies, prayer meetings, and attendance at church services.
In an effort to provide financial assistance, the staff helps residents obtain employment and encourages financial responsibility to prepare for the future.
Following the example set by Jesus, the House of Mercy is designed to provide a covering for the hurting. In meeting the needs of residents, the House of Mercy staff administrates, leads, and disciplines with love, compassion, forgiveness, grace, long-suffering, patience, sympathy, and tolerance.
Anchor provides solid, everyday practical teaching for attendees. Anchor holds weekly classes using Bible-based programs. Classes are held on the POA's campus and are available to residents of the Grace House and House of Mercy.
Question about the House of Mercy? - Contact the church office at 318.487.8976.
Grace House
Despondent, lonely, and needing a second chance, homeless men are given the opportunity to build a new life at the POA's Grace House. A shelter for homeless men, the Grace House can support 16 men.
To qualify for residence at the mission, candidates must be at least 18 years old and physically able to take care of themselves. Upon their arrival, men must demonstrate their will to stay and to study the Bible by obeying house rules and attending church. While living at the Grace House, men are expected to police themselves and to show respect.
The Grace House first opened in 1988. In the Spring of 2000, the Grace House moved to its present location in a newly-built facility. The Grace House now includes living space for the men, a patio, a storage shed, and five lots. Located a few blocks from the POA, the Grace House is staffed by one administrator, two assistants, one house supervisor, and other volunteers.
Those volunteering at the Grace House must demonstrate an unyielding desire to reach for hardened men. They must have a knowledge and personal experience of what the men are going through in their life.
Volunteers must be fearless, mature and strong in the Spirit, and able to teach and defend the Gospel.
After undergoing a brief orientation, volunteers assist in counseling with the men and expounding the Word of God. Workers also enforce house rules and strive to place the fear of God into these men.
The Grace House also connects men with:
The A.C.T.S. Program (Alcohol and Chemical Treatment Series)
Bible Studies
Anchor Class, which teaches responsibility
In the more than 20 years of its existence, thousands of men have been blessed by the services of the Grace House. Many of the men, years later, remain members of the POA and are involved in church ministries.
Anchor provides solid, everyday practical teaching for attendees. Anchor holds weekly classes using Bible-based programs.
Classes are held on the POA's campus and are available to residents of the Grace House and House of Mercy.